TamCem 23SSR

TamCem 23SSR is a new generation superplasticiser for concrete. It contains polycarboxylate ether polymers and is specially formulated to give exceptionally high water reduction, greater workability and extended slump retention. It is a non-chloride liquid admixture which has been formulated to comply with the requirements of EN 934-2 (Table 3.1 and 3.2) and ASTM C 494 for Type F high range water reducing / superplasticizing admixtures. TamCem 23SSR is compatible with all cements meeting recognised international standards.
Using water to increase the workability of concrete can severely weaken the setting strength. TamCem 23SSR polycarboxylate disperses cement by combining the traditional effect of electrostatic repulsion with ‘steric hindrance’ facilitated by the molecular structure of polycarboxylate ether-based technology. This provides greater dispersion compared with electric only repulsion from those conventional BNS and SMF based superplasticisers.
TamCem 23SSR requires a lower dosage compared to conventional superplasticisers but provides greater workability characteristics for high slump, flowable, self-compacting concrete with greatly reduced water demand.